Soudure Plastique Lévis-Québec

A Winning Solution… An Eco-Friendly Solution

Soudure Plastique Lévis-Québec


Soudure Plastique Lévis-Québecin business since 2013, primarily based on the service of a Mobile Unit, we move where you need us, even in your area if no colleague is available. You will benefit from our fast, courteous, and professional service whether at your offices, your business, or simply in the comfort of your home. We offer repair, modification, or design of all plastic and fiberglass parts. Pickup service is also available, or you can always call us at 418-456-7948 before coming to drop off your part to be repaired at our address at 1967 chemin du Sault, Lévis.

Environmental concerns and ecological awareness have led to a rediscovery of the Plastic Welding. It is in the hope of making a difference in our ecological footprint that we have come to take an interest in it.

Since then, our expertise and passion in this field have continued to grow. Our goal is to offer you the opportunity to participate in the recovery of your plastic parts in all areas.

Together, let's make a difference for the environment.

Tell us about your project

Soudure Plastique Lévis-Québec

Mobile Unit Capital National and Chaudière Appalaches

Gilda Therrien
(581) 995-2360(418) 456-7948
1967, chemin du Sault, Lévis-Québec, Qc, G6W 2L3

Soudure Plastique Lévis-Québec